Article Extraction From Thesis or Dissertation

Struggling to turn your outstanding thesis into published research articles? SITA can help! Our experienced specialists skillfully extract high-quality articles from your thesis, ensuring they meet publication standards. Say goodbye to rapid rejections and unlock the path to reputable journal publications.
Article Extraction From Thesis or Dissertation

Are you a researcher or academic seeking to maximize the reach and impact of your work?

Welcome to our landing page dedicated to Article Extraction from Thesis services. We understand that your thesis represents years of diligent research and valuable insights. That's why we offer a specialized service to help you extract and transform crucial portions of your thesis into standalone articles. By repurposing your thesis content, you can unlock its potential to reach a wider audience, gain recognition, and contribute to the scholarly conversation. Reading our article extraction service can help you achieve your research objectives.


How article extraction is done at SITA

List of supported language

English to Arabic

Arabic to English

English to Turkish

Turkish to English

English to Russian

Russian to English

The distinctions between a thesis and an article are as follows

Purpose: A thesis is primarily designed to meet academic objectives and undergoes scrutiny within the academic community. In contrast, an article aims to adhere to the specific standards set by scientific journals.

Structure: An article follows a structure of distinct sections and imposes word count limitations, allowing for the inclusion of selected portions of the research work. On the other hand, a thesis encompasses multiple chapters and does not have specific size or length requirements.

Evaluation: professors evaluate the thesis. They carefully assess and analyze its content. In contrast, an article undergoes review by impartial and anonymous reviewers as per the standards set by scientific journals.

Content Tables: A thesis may contain various content tables that provide a comprehensive overview of chapters and headings, presenting all research findings and investigations. However, articles do not typically include such extensive content tables.

Importance of article extraction

Maximizing Research Impact

Transforming your thesis into standalone articles allows you to disseminate your research findings rapidly. Journal articles have greater visibility, attracting more readers, citations, and potential collaborations. By extracting key sections, you can target specific research questions, highlight essential results, and engage with the academic community in a more focused way.

Broadening Audience Reach

Theses are typically written for a limited academic audience, while articles have the potential to reach a broader readership. By extracting and adapting content from your thesis, you can present your research in a more accessible and digestible format, appealing to researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and other interested parties.

Broadening Audience Reach

Advantages of extracting an article from the thesis

Once you have completed writing a thesis, the next step toward publishing research findings is extracting an article from it. It's worth noting that these extracted articles carry sufficient credibility for publication and are on par with independently written articles.

Extracting an article from a thesis comes with several advantages:

Firstly, it can help advance your career by allowing you to get published more quickly than writing an article from scratch. Converting a thesis into an article is generally a faster process.

Additionally, it's possible to extract multiple articles from a single thesis, which means you can get more publications out of your research. Furthermore, by extracting an article, you can expand the reach of your research studies and share them globally. It means your findings have the potential to reach a wider audience and have a significant impact. While a thesis usually has a limited readership within universities, articles are published in international journals, attracting a larger audience. This increased accessibility makes it easier to access research findings and engage with specialized professionals in the field.


Our expert team

Expert team

At SITA, we take pride in our team of experienced professionals who specialize in article extraction from theses. Our specialists can handle multiple study fields because they have extensive expertise in many disciplines and vigorous academic backgrounds. With their competence in research evaluation, content adaptation, and language enhancement, our team is well-equipped to transform your thesis into high-quality articles ready for publication. We understand the nuances of academic writing and the requirements of different journals, enabling us to deliver articles that meet the highest standards of scholarly publishing.

We offer Quality guarantee until article publication

Article writing

We have years of experience working with scientific papers and achieving successful publications in reputable journals. We provide high-quality services with a guarantee of satisfaction. At SITA, quality assurance is our priority. When the article extraction process is completed, we conduct a thorough quality inspection to ensure flawless work. Our guarantee for the article will remain valid until the paper is accepted for publication.

Get Started Today

Ready to unlock the value of your thesis and share your research with a broader audience?

Contact our team today to discuss your article extraction needs. Our experts will provide a tailored solution based on your research goals and guide you through the process from start to finish. Don't let your valuable research remain hidden within your thesis—let us help you transform it into impactful articles that make a difference in your field. With the help of our article extraction from thesis service, you can advance your academic career and increase the significance of your research.

If you have any questions, inquiries, or would like to learn more about our services, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our dedicated team is ready to assist you.

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Frequently asked questions

1. What services SITA Academy provide for article extraction from theses and dissertations?
2. In which languages does SITA Academy provide article extraction services?
3. Can your company assist with formatting the extracted articles based on journal requirements?
4. Will extracting articles from my thesis affect the integrity of my research?
5. Can you help me choose suitable journals for my extracted articles?
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