Native English Editing

SITA Academy offers professional English editing services to ensure flawless grammar, syntax, and clarity in your written documents. They help enhance the quality and impact of your work, whether it's a research paper, journal article, or any other written material.
Native English Editing


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Editing articles and texts by a native editor


Quality Control


Final delivery

What is native editing?


Native editing involves editing an article by a native English speaker and editor. A native editor possesses English as their native language and demonstrates proficiency in academic writing and the style of articles. Additionally, they should have expertise in the subject area of the article being edited to grasp the overall concept and specialized terminology effectively.

Why is Native editing important?

Adhering to writing and editing standards is crucial for acceptance and publication in reputable international journals and for publishing books at the international level.

In scientific journals, visual appearance and writing style of articles are as important as their scientific content.

Native editing is necessary to ensure that a polished text effectively conveys the intended message to the reader and meets the highest standards of excellence.


What Changes are made to an Article by a Native editor?

  • Correcting grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors

  • Checking for the subject-word agreement

  • Correcting the structure of passive and active sentences

  • Improving the flow of ideas and logical connections between sections

  • Checking for consistent headings, subheadings, font styles, and size

  • Adjusting the language to match the intended audience and purpose

  • Eliminating ambiguity


We offer

Quality guarantee

SITA Academy provides a quality guarantee for edited articles, which remains valid until the article is accepted and published in reputable journals. Along with a unique delivery code that can be verified online, this guarantee ensures ongoing support and assurance for the article throughout the publication process.

Track change file for native editing

Upon completion of the native editing process, you will receive both the final edited file and a track changes file in Word format. The track changes file will contain all the modifications made by the editor, allowing you to identify issues and errors in the original document and understand the extent of the editor’s work.

Why choose SITA?

why choose SITA?

If you have any questions, inquiries, or would like to learn more about our services, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our dedicated team is ready to assist you.

Additional language services

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Frequently asked questions

1. In which fields is English native editing provided?
2. Does English native editing come with a guarantee?
3. What changes are made during English native editing?
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