How can I write and publish an article in PubMed?

PubMed Journals is a comprehensive platform that provides access to a vast collection of peer-reviewed biomedical literature. It serves as a valuable resource for researchers, healthcare professionals, and individuals interested in staying up-to-date with the latest scientific advancements in various fields of study.
How can I write and publish an article in PubMed?


Journals related to medicine and healthcare are indexed in the well-known database of biomedical literature called PubMed. It is a valuable resource for researchers, clinicians, and students in different fields such as medicine, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, veterinary medicine, midwifery, healthcare management, public health, psychiatry, psychology, and biomedical sciences. Considered a free web-based search engine, PubMed provides access to over 22 million sources collected from various databases, including the prominent subset known as MEDLINE. The journals indexed in PubMed are highly esteemed for their credibility and maintain rigorous acceptance standards, ensuring the publication of scientifically reputable articles.

scientific research

NIH Manuscript Submission System

PubMed operates through the NIH Manuscript Submission System (NISMS), which facilitates the publication of articles accepted in indexed journals. One of the primary methods involves direct submission by publishers, who send the published articles to PubMed for inclusion. To be published in PubMed, articles must meet specific criteria and undergo a meticulous review process to ensure scientific quality and adherence to ethical standards.


The structure of the PubMed articles

Title of the Article

Every research study should have a clear and specific title that guides the investigation based on its objectives. In PubMed, articles in specialized fields should have concise, brief, and captivating titles. They should also be unique and novel. PubMed article titles should incorporate relevant keywords.

Title of the Article

Author Affiliations

Author Affiliations

In the process of drafting an article, there may be multiple authors who have contributed to the research. Include the writers' names and affiliations and their academic titles. It is also necessary to include the corresponding author's email address.


The abstract section provides a summary of the main points of the research. The abstract serves as a blurb for the article, so it should be in a way that attracts readers. It briefly includes the introduction, objectives, methods, and results. Given time constraints, many readers may not have the opportunity to read the full text, making the abstract section highly important.




Selecting 7 to 15 keywords related to the research topic helps increase the chances of the article being cited more frequently.


The introduction is the heart of the article because it introduces the main objectives and research literature. This section, which follows the abstract, begins with a brief overview of the research literature relevant to the article's topic. It then discusses the primary research question and the rationale for selecting the topic. Finally, a background on the article topic is given.




The Methods section should describe the research process, including how the study was designed and carried out and how the data were analyzed. This section should go into detail about all of the topics mentioned. It should be outlined in a format so researchers can easily replicate or modify it.


The Results section presents the research study's findings and outcomes. The primary goal of this section is to report the findings. While some journals combine the Results section with the Discussion and Conclusion, if the results are in a separate section, they should only state the findings and not interpret or draw conclusions.




Proper citation and referencing of sources are crucial in scholarly articles. Failing to cite and reference sources can lead to allegations of plagiarism and rejection of the article.

There are four methods for journal article publication in PubMed:

In this method, journals that are indexed in PubMed directly send their accepted and published articles to the database without any involvement from the authors.

In this method, some journals submit only a selection of their articles to PubMed. In this case, authors often need to inquire with the journal's editor to determine if their article will be considered for publication in PubMed or request its inclusion.

In this method, authors upload their final peer-reviewed article to the NIH Manuscript Submission system and submit it for publication in PubMed.

In this approach, the publisher initiates the submission process by starting the submission of the peer-reviewed article to the NIH Manuscript Submission system, and the author completes the process by submitting the article to the system.

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If you have any questions, inquiries, or would like to learn more about our services, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our dedicated team is ready to assist you.

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