How to calculate h-index manually?

Calculating the h-index manually is a straightforward process that allows researchers to assess their scholarly impact based on the number of publications and citations they have received.
How to calculate h-index manually?

In this article, we will walk you through the process of calculating the h-index manually. We will cover topics such as understanding the h-index, gathering publication and citation data, arranging the data in descending order, and determining the h-index value. By the end of this article, you will know exactly how to calculate your h-index manually.


Introduction to the h-index

Jorge E. Hirsch, a physicist, developed the h-index metric in 2005 to assess an individual scientist's research contribution. It considers the number of publications and the amount of citations each article has obtained. The h-index is a quantitative metric that combines productivity and citation impact, providing a more comprehensive view of a researcher's impact than just counting publications or total citations.


Gathering publication and citation data

To calculate the h-index manually, you must gather information about your publications and their corresponding citation counts. Start by creating a comprehensive list of all your publications, including journal articles, conference papers, book chapters, and other scholarly outputs. Next, ascertain the number of citations each article has obtained. These statistics are available through databases like Google Scholar, Scopus, and Web of Science. Make sure to record the citation counts accurately for each publication.

collect data

Arranging the data in descending order

Once you have collected the publication and citation data, arrange them in descending order based on the number of citations. It means that the publication with the highest number of citations should be at the top of the list, followed by the publication with the second-highest number of citations, and so on. This step allows you to determine the ranking of your publications based on their citation impact.

arranging data

Determining the h-index value

To calculate the h-index manually, you need to identify the point where the number of citations matches the rank of the publication. Starting from the top of the list, count down the number of publications until you reach a point where the number of citations is equal to or less than the rank of the publication. The highest value at which this criterion is met is the h-index. For example, if the fifth publication on your list has five or fewer citations, your h-index would be four.


Limitations and Considerations

While the h-index provides a valuable measure of research impact, it has some limitations. The h-index does not consider the quality or significance of the individual publications, nor does it consider variations in citation practices across disciplines. Additionally, the h-index may be influenced by self-citations or collaboration patterns. Therefore, it is crucial to interpret the h-index in conjunction with other metrics and qualitative assessments of your work.


To sum up, manually calculating the h-index entails obtaining publication and citation data, sorting them in descending order, and then calculating the h-index based on the citation-rank relationship. While the manual calculation method provides a basic understanding of the h-index, automated tools, and databases can simplify the process and provide more accurate results. Remember that the h-index is just one of many metrics available to evaluate research impact, and it should be considered alongside other indicators and qualitative assessments of your work.

SITA Academy

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Frequently asked questions

1. Can I calculate my h-index manually if I have publications in different disciplines or fields?
2. Is self-citation included when calculating the h-index manually?
3. How can I gather the necessary data to calculate my h-index manually?
4. Are there any limitations to consider when interpreting the h-index?
5. How do I determine my h-index value using the manual calculation method?
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