How to Quickly Submit Your Article to a Journal

Submitting your article to a journal is crucial in sharing your research findings with the academic community. While the submission process can sometimes be time-consuming, there are several strategies you can employ to expedite your submission.
How to Quickly Submit Your Article to a Journal

This article will guide you through the steps to quickly submit your article to a journal, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.

Choose the Right Journal

Selecting the appropriate journal for your article is crucial. Spend time researching and identifying journals that align with your research field and scope. Consider journals that have previously published similar works and their target audience. This step is vital because submitting your work to an incompatible journal can result in rejection, requiring you to restart this process with a different journal.

choosing the right journal

Review the Guidelines

Before submitting your paper, carefully examine the journal's author guidelines. Guidelines typically include information on formatting, word count limits, citation style, and specific requirements for figures, tables, and supplementary materials. Adhering to these guidelines from the outset will save you time and reduce the chances of rejection due to formatting issues.


Prepare Your Manuscript

Once you have reviewed the journal's guidelines, begin preparing your manuscript accordingly. You should pay attention to the structure of your article, ensuring it follows the standard format of introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion. Review and edit your manuscript for clarity, cohesion, and grammar. To guarantee your content is well-polished, seek suggestions from peers or use expert editing services.

preparing manuscript

Create a Cover Letter

A cover letter is an essential component of your article submission. It introduces your work to the journal's editors and highlights its significance and suitability for publication. Keep the cover letter concise and engaging, clearly stating the novelty and contributions of your research. Personalize the letter by addressing the editor by name and briefly explaining why you have chosen their journal for submission.

cover letter

Gather Supporting Materials

Check if the journal requires additional supporting materials, such as data sets, supplementary files, or conflict of interest statements. Collect and organize these materials in advance, ensuring they meet the journal's specifications. If you have these materials available, you may quickly incorporate them into your submission and prevent delays in the review process.

gathering supporting materilas

Submit Online

Most journals now utilize online submission systems, which streamline the submission process. Go to the submission portal on the journal's website. To submit your paper, create an account if needed, then follow the online procedures. Upload your manuscript, cover letter, and supporting materials in the required formats. Double-check that all files are correctly uploaded before finalizing the submission.

online submitting

Pay Attention to Submission Fees

Some journals may require payment of a submission fee. Familiarize yourself with the journal's policy regarding fees and ensure that you have the necessary funds available. To prevent any delays or issues during the submission process, be ready to complete the payment.

submission fees

Track Your Submission

After submitting your article, take note of the provided submission ID or reference number. You will be able to monitor the progress of your submission with this information. Many journals have an online tracking system that enables you to monitor the status of your article, including whether it has been assigned to reviewers or if any revisions are required.

tracking submission

Respond Promptly to Reviewer Comments

Once your article undergoes the peer-review process, you may receive feedback or requests for revisions from the reviewers and the editor. Respond to these comments promptly and thoroughly, addressing each point raised. Being responsive and efficient in your revisions will speed up the review process and improve the chance of an early acceptance.

responding to reviewer comments

Be Prepared for Potential Rejection

Even though we all want to be accepted, we must always be ready to face rejection. Different journals accept articles at different rates, so even well-written, excellent articles may be rejected. If your article is turned down, carefully consider the comments, make the necessary changes, and submit it to another journal that would be a good fit.


Ultimately, meticulous preparation and close attention to detail are necessary if you want to submit your work to a journal promptly. You can expedite the submission process by selecting the right journal, following guidelines, preparing your manuscript properly, and utilizing online submission systems. Other essential actions include swiftly responding to reviewer comments and being ready for possible rejection. By following these strategies, you can increase your chances of a smooth and efficient submission, bringing your research one step closer to publication.

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Frequently asked questions

1. How can I quickly find the right journal for my article?
2. What should I include in my cover letter for article submission?
3. How can I track the progress of my article after submission?
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