Preparing for submission

When submitting an article to a publication, you must provide a cover letter, copyright form, and title page.
Preparing for submission

Submission guidelines

After you choose the journal you want to submit your article, it's crucial to read the authors' guidelines carefully. These guidelines outline the specific requirements and formatting instructions for your article. Adhering to these guidelines is essential, as failing to do so may result in your article being rejected or subjected to a longer review process, even if it is initially accepted. Giving careful attention to the guidelines will help create a positive impression of your work in the eyes of the editor.

General formatting guidelines are similar for most journals. The title page, abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, and references are among the examples of these sections. Different journals, however, can differ in certain aspects, such as section length restrictions, preferred font, line spacing, citation style, order of sections, and whether or not they should be on separate pages or one continuous text.

Generally speaking, tables and figures are typically on separate pages rather than being incorporated into the body of the text. There should be a separate page for every figure or table. To adhere to the journal's guidelines, you must take caution when making changes because one click can unintentionally erase any part.

It's better to select your target journal early in the writing process. That allows you to familiarize yourself with the specific author guidelines and adapt your writing style accordingly.


In some cases, the journal may also require additional documents along with the main article, such as a cover letter, copyright form, and title page. These documents serve different purposes. So, it's essential to understand their structure to provide them as requested.

Title Page

As different journals have various guidelines for formatting this section, it is necessary to refer to the author guidelines of the specific journal. Generally, the title page consists of the article title at the top and the authors' names at the bottom. Full names, highest degrees earned, positions, affiliations, and name of the university should all be stated for each author. The bottom section of the page contains the contact details of the corresponding author, including their full name, academic degree, postal address, telephone number, fax (including the international country code), and .edu email address.

writing title page

Cover Letter

Cover letter is a written document typically submitted along with an article to a journal. It serves as the initial communication that the editor reads and uses to make decisions regarding the article, such as selecting appropriate reviewers. As the cover letter plays a crucial role in the article review process, knowing what to include and exclude when writing it can be highly beneficial.

Some key points in writing a cover letter:

Avoid duplicating the abstract: The cover letter should not simply restate the article's abstract. It should provide unique information.


In the opening paragraph, introduce the article's title, authors, research team or group, and your affiliation. Additionally, briefly explain why you have selected this journal for submission, highlighting its relevance to your research.

Concise overview

Provide a summary of the research objectives and main findings without delving into excessive detail. The goal is to pique the editor's interest and create a compelling case for reviewing the article.

Broader implications

In a separate paragraph, discuss the broader implications of your research. Highlight how your study contributes to the dissemination of knowledge in the field or its practical applications. For example, if your findings have potential implications for the cure of a specific disease, emphasize that in the cover letter.

Attention to detail

Pay close attention to the quality of your writing and grammar. Proofread the cover letter carefully or have a specialist review it before submission to ensure clarity and accuracy.

It is important to remember that these guidelines are general, and specific journal requirements or preferences should always be considered and followed when preparing your cover letter.

Copyright Form

Certain journals require authors to complete a specific form known as the copyright form, which is unique to that particular journal, and you can download it from the journal's website. You should submit this form along with the article file. The copyright form typically requests specific information about the content of the article, including the title, word count, presence of any figures or charts, and author details. Additionally, the form may require the signature of the responsible author or all authors. The completion of the copyright form is of great importance for these journals, so it is crucial to pay careful attention when filling it out.

Copyright Form

SITA Academy

We are excited to introduce SITA's comprehensive journal submission and publication services, designed to streamline and enhance the academic publishing process. Whether you are a seasoned researcher or a first-time author, our dedicated team is committed to ensuring a seamless and efficient experience from submission to publication. With SITA's journal submission services, we guide you through the intricate process of manuscript preparation, formatting, and submission, ensuring that your work meets the highest standards of quality and compliance.

If you have any questions, inquiries, or would like to learn more about our services, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our dedicated team is ready to assist you.

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Frequently asked questions

1. Q2: How can SITA's journal submission services help me navigate the intricacies of the submission process?
2. How can SITA's journal submission services help me navigate the intricacies of the submission process?
3. What are the common formatting requirements for journal manuscript submissions?
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