Things that you should know before submitting a manuscript for publication

Publishing scientific articles in reputable international journals is highly significant for both students and professors. Without the publication of their work in such journals, researchers are unable to reap the rewards of recognition and prestige, regardless of the effort they put into their research and writing.
Things that you should know before submitting a manuscript for publication

Benefits of publishing in reputable journals

Increased recognition and prestige

Enhanced credibility of the research

Access to a wider audience

Potential for collaboration and networking opportunities

Top three journal databases


ISI (Institute for Scientific Information) is a renowned organization that offers indexing and citation analysis services for scholarly literature. The ISI database, now integrated into the Web of Science, is widely regarded as a prestigious and influential resource for researchers. Journals indexed in ISI are considered to have high quality and rigor, making them highly desirable for researchers seeking to publish their work. By submitting a journal to an ISI-indexed database, researchers can enhance the visibility and impact of their research, as well as gain access to citation data and track trends within their field.


Scopus, developed by Elsevier, is another prominent journal database that covers a wide range of fields. It offers a comprehensive collection of scholarly literature and provides advanced search capabilities, citation metrics, and tools for analyzing research trends. Being indexed in Scopus increases the visibility and accessibility of research articles, making them more likely to be discovered by researchers worldwide. By submitting a journal to Scopus, researchers can enhance the dissemination and impact of their research, as well as gain insights into citation patterns and collaboration opportunities within their field.


PubMed, maintained by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), is a crucial resource for biomedical and life sciences researchers. It focuses primarily on different fields of medicine and related disciplines, providing access to a vast collection of peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings, and other literature. Researchers and medical professionals use PubMed extensively to obtain the most recent advances and discoveries in medical research. By submitting a journal to PubMed, researchers can increase the visibility and credibility of their work in the medical and life sciences fields and contribute to the dissemination of knowledge in these areas.

Journal impact factor

The impact factor is a metric used to measure the influence and importance of a scholarly journal. It calculates the average number of citations received by articles published in a journal during a specific period. Higher impact factors are associated with journals that publish influential and highly cited articles.

Writing a cover letter

A cover letter accompanies the article submission and provides a brief overview of the research, highlighting its significance and fit with the journal. The cover letter also includes any additional information or context that could support the consideration of the article.

The process of Article submission

Choose a journal to submit an article

Choosing the appropriate journal for submitting your articles is a crucial decision that can significantly impact the visibility and influence of your research. To make an informed choice, you should take into account various factors. Firstly, it is pivotal to identify journals that align with the scope and focus of your research field. Identifying journals involves reviewing the journal's aims, target audience, and the types of articles they publish. Evaluating the reputation and credibility of the journal is also essential, which can be done by considering factors such as its impact factor, indexing in reputable databases, and the standing of its editorial board. It is also important to consider the journal's reach and accessibility, as well as any associated publication fees or open-access options. Seeking guidance from colleagues and mentors and thoroughly studying the publication guidelines and submission process, will help ensure that your article meets the journal's requirements. By carefully considering these factors, you can increase the likelihood of selecting a journal that will maximize the visibility and impact of your research.

online article

There are two publication options: open access vs. close access:


Format the article to the journal's requirements

Formatting involves adhering to guidelines provided by the journal regarding font style and size, line spacing, margins, citation style, reference formatting, and section headings. By following these formatting guidelines, authors ensure that their article aligns with the journal's publishing standards and facilitates a consistent and professional appearance across all published articles.

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Write a cover letter

A cover letter is an accompanying document that accompanies an article submission to a journal. Its main goals are providing a brief overview of the work and highlighting its relevance and fit with the journal's objectives. Moreover, authors have the opportunity to provide supplementary details or contextual information that can bolster the evaluation of the article. The cover letter serves as an introduction to the article, aiming to capture the editor's attention and persuade them to consider the submission for publication.

article publuication

Sign up on the journal's website and make the submission

To initiate the submission process, authors must sign up on the journal's website or submission system. This typically involves creating a personal account with their relevant details. Once registered, authors can proceed to upload their article, adhering to the provided instructions. Along with the main manuscript, authors may be required to submit supplementary materials, figures, or datasets that support their research. It's also possible that they'll have to reveal any conflicts of interest and information about other authors. By following the submission guidelines and providing the necessary information, authors ensure that their article is successfully submitted for review and consideration by the journal's editorial team.

article publication

Peer review

After the article is submitted, it enters the peer review process, a critical step in scholarly publishing. Professionals in the subject matter who are knowledgeable about the submitted work evaluate it for quality, originality, methodology, and significance. The peer review process helps ensure the rigor and validity of the research, identifies any potential flaws or areas for improvement, and determines whether the article meets the standards set by the journal. The feedback from reviewers allows authors to refine their work and enhance its overall quality before publication. The involvement of knowledgeable peers helps maintain the integrity and credibility of the published research.

article publication

Make revisions

Upon receiving feedback from the reviewers, authors engage in the crucial process of revising and improving their article. They carefully analyze and consider the reviewers' comments, taking into account their expertise and suggestions. Authors then proceed to address the reviewers' specific concerns, making necessary changes to the content, structure, and presentation of their research. This may involve clarifying any ambiguities, strengthening the argumentation, providing additional evidence or analysis, or reorganizing sections for better coherence and flow. By diligently responding to the reviewers' feedback, authors ensure that their revised article reflects a higher level of quality, accuracy, and clarity, ultimately increasing its chances of acceptance for publication.

article publication

Article acceptance

Once the authors have made the necessary revisions, the revised article is resubmitted to the journal. At this stage, the journal's editors carefully assess the revised version, taking into consideration the authors' responses to the reviewers' feedback. Based on their evaluation, the editors decide whether to accept the article for publication or request further revisions. If accepted, the article undergoes the preparation process, which includes copyediting to ensure correctness, clarity, and consistency of language and style. The typesetting process formats the article according to the journal's guidelines. Finally, the article is included in an upcoming issue or published online, making it accessible to the readership and contributing to the scholarly discourse in the field.

article publication

SITA Academy

At SITA Academy, we provide tailored support in choosing the most suitable journal for publishing your articles. Our experienced team assists you in navigating the publishing landscape, ensuring that your research reaches the appropriate audience to maximize its visibility and impact. Rely on SITA Academy to empower you with the knowledge and guidance needed to make informed decisions that elevate the recognition of your scholarly work. Embark on your academic journey with us today and unlock the full potential of your publications.

If you have any questions, inquiries, or would like to learn more about our services, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our dedicated team is ready to assist you.

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Frequently asked questions

1. How do I choose the right journal for my article submission?
2. How long does the peer review process typically take?
3. What should I do if my article receives revision requests from reviewers?
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