Free journal article publication

Many researchers are interested in submitting their articles to journals that offer free acceptance and publication for various reasons. These journals have specific conditions that you should familiarize yourself with before submitting your article.
Free journal article publication

Is it possible to publish an article in reputable journals for free?

Before addressing this question, let's examine the distinction between open-access and closed-access journals:

Open Access Journals

Open-access journals are publications where authors pay an article processing charge upon acceptance and publication. These journals are typically available online, allowing unrestricted access to readers who can download the articles without extra payment. In basic terms, authors pay these fees to provide free access to the content of their articles. Many students opt to publish in open-access journals as they often have more lenient peer review processes than free journals, and the review period is generally quicker.

Open Access Journals

Closed Access Journals

Closed-access journals are publications that offer free publication of articles. In this case, authors are not charged a fee upon acceptance and publication. However, readers are usually required to pay a fee to access the full articles after reading the abstract. They can pay the fee and get full access if they want to read the entire article. Closed-access journals typically possess higher credibility and enforce rigorous peer-review processes. As a result, if you intend to submit an article to one of these journals, your research must be of exceptional quality to be accepted.

Closed Access Journals

Here's a brief comparison table highlighting the differences between open access and closed access journals:


Process of article publication

Article Preparation

Choose between extracting an article from a thesis or conducting original research for your article. Ensure your article follows the standard structure and components, including the title, abstract, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, and references.

Structure of an Article

Include the necessary sections in your article, such as a clear title, a concise abstract summarizing the study, an introduction providing context and objectives, a methodology section describing the research design, a results section presenting findings, a discussion section interpreting the results, and a conclusion summarizing key findings.

Selecting an appropriate Journal

Choose journals indexed in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) or other reputable research journals. Consider factors such as the journal's scope aligning with your article's topic, ensuring the journal is not blacklisted, and being aware of any specific limitations or regulations imposed by the journal.

Specialized Article Editing

Specialized article editing is crucial for ensuring the quality of your work, especially when submitting to rigorous free journals. It involves editing by an editor with expertise in your respective field, as your article likely contains technical terms.

Plagiarism Checking

A plagiarism check is essential to avoid literary theft. While including others' work adds value to your article, it must comply with legal frameworks. Paraphrasing techniques can help reduce similarity by rewriting the text while maintaining your style and language.

Specialized Article Translation

If you're planning to submit your article to international journals, it's crucial to have a high-quality English translation specifically tailored to your field. So, you should hire a skilled native translator with expertise in your subject area.

Formatting of the Article

Each journal has its own set of rules and guidelines to ensure consistency among submitted articles and facilitate the review process. Before submission, review the author's guidelines carefully, which are on the journal's website, and adhere to the provided instructions. Failure to comply may result in rejection by the journal's editor. The formatting guidelines ensure that the elements and structure of your article conform to the specific format required by the journal.

Submission of the Article

After completing all the necessary steps, the final stage involves submitting your article. Prepare all relevant information, including the cover letter and affiliations, then submit them separately. You can submit your article online through the journal's website or by email. The submission method depends on the capabilities offered by the journal and has no bearing on the journal's credibility or value.

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Frequently asked questions

1. What are Open Access Journals?
2. What is the structure of an article?
3. How can I check the correct format for my manuscript before submitting it?
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